Monday, January 11, 2010

The sun at last!

Not many days am I able to cram everything in. Today was different. I was able to write, edit a picture, have lunch with my hubby at his request - rare, run, yoga and now I'm listening to my son read, while iRobot sweeps my floor. Lots of music in my house!

I enjoyed lunch with my hubby and listening to my son read, but running was a welcome reprieve. It's been so long since I've been outside. I've been hiding from the cold. Today the sun kissed my skin while I ran. How I've missed that. Between the sun and the cool breeze the temperature was perfect. A beautiful day to run, or for that matter, do anything outside. I absolutely loved it, needed it. The next two days should be beautiful as well and I will find my way out the door again to be under the sun.  I'm not looking forward to the end of the week when more rain is expected. Why? We are water logged as it is. Can it be saved for this summer? I'm sure we'll need it then.

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Photographer. Writer. Check out my website at: